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Make every chance for a connection count

How do you connect?  Is it something that you do once in a while at a scheduled event?  Is it a chore?

Let me tell you about two examples.

A great group of people

A man stood pumping gas minding his own business on the way home from a day at work.  While standing there the man at the next pump over noticed the Veteran licence plate on the car.  He came over, introduced himself, handed him a card and explained that he was a Vietnam Vet and just wrote a book about his experience.  A connection was made.

Meeting new people and being open to new experiences can lead to new connections too.  Maybe your spouse or friends have other friends that you might not know.  One might not normally move in the same circles.  You should go one time when you might normally not.  Meet all their friends who aren’t mutual friends.  You never know who you may meet.  Open yourself up to dinner or an event that typically your spouse of friends go to without you.

I’m glad I met that Vet at the gas pump.  He earned a new customer.  I’m also glad I got to know some more of my wife’s friends.  I’ve met some really nice people directly and indirectly through those relationships.

Go make some connections.  Put yourself out there and introduce yourself.  Most people are pretty friendly.

  1. Kim
    March 21, 2011 at 9:30 am

    Making connections is such a fun thing to do! And you can do it everywhere you go. Talking to people in an elevator is always one of my favorites! It is always such an ackward silence anyway. Say Hi! Introduce yourself, and meet a new friend!

  2. March 21, 2011 at 1:43 pm


    Welcome to the blog.

    I have to admit I’m not always the first to reach a hand out and introduce myself. But I’m getting better at it!


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